I Am A:
Local chapters make up the backbone of the NFB of Virginia. If you do not live near one of our chapters, you may join the at-large chapter, or consider contacting your closest location for further guidance. If you have questions, or to update any of the listings below, you may email the affiliate president for assistance. Joining a local chapter automatically makes you a member of the national organization. Though chapters may set their own membership dues, the typical amount is $5 annually.
Given the pandemic, please contact the respective chapter presidents to confirm chapter meeting times and locations. Some chapters may still be meeting virtually.
Chesapeake Bay Chapter
Annie Ascher, President
Phone: 757-515-6238
Email: ascher_a@yahoo.com
The Chesapeake Bay Chapter meets every 4th Saturday from 11 AM to 1:30 PM in person: Gus and George’s Spaghetti and steakhouse - 4312 Virginia Beach VA. Please contact chapter president directly for details.
Eastern Shore Chapter
Althea Pittman
Phone: 757-787-3853
Email: vaescil@gmail.com
Contact the chapter for current meeting times.
Fairfax Chapter
Christine Grassman, President
Phone: 917-657-6879
Email: cfgrassman@icloud.com
We meet the third Thursday of each month from 7 to 8:30 PM. Please get in touch for current meeting locations.
Greater Alexandria Chapter
Evelyn Valdez, President
Phone: 908-803-4891
Email: evelyn.valdez212@gmail.com
We meet on the last Thursday of most months. We hold a mixture of Telecomference meetings, social events, and face-to-face meetings. Please Contact Evelyn for details
Greater Williamsburg Chapter
Mike Lengyel, President
Phone: 757-338-3973
Email: lengyelmike48@gmail.com
Chapter meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month and usually have a pertinent speaker to address subjects that are helpful for blind and low vision people.
Williamsburg Community Chapel
Room 211 (use elevator)
3899 John Tyler Hwy
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Park by west entrance.
Meeting time is 2:00-4:00 pm
Peninsula Chapter
Uricka Harrison, President
Phone: 757-349-9234
Email: uricka.harrison@iCloud.com
Please contact the chapter directly for current meeting times.
Potomac Chapter
Sandy Halverson, President
Phone: 703-400-6890
Email: sjh300@outlook.com
We meet the second Wednesday of each month between 7:00 and 8:30 PM. In August and October, chapter meetings will be virtual. Please call or email Sandy for Zoom details. In September and November the meetings will be held in person at:
Saint George’s Episcopal Church
915 N. Oakland Street
Room 114
Arlington, Virginia
Prince William Chapter
Mark Ross
Phone: 703-927-6708
Email: PookiePuppy42@GMail.com
Our meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month from 7 to 8 PM, at the Prince William transit center 14700 Potomac Mills Road.
Richmond Chapter
Domonique Lawless, President
Phone: 615-904-4225
Email: dlawless86@gmail.com
Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month from 6:30-8:30 PM in the Assembly room at VRCBVI. The address is 401 Azalea Ave. Richmond VA, 23227. Please go to the Administrative Activities Building.
Tidewater Chapter
Stewart Prost, President
Phone: 757-572-6891
Email: sdprost@cox.net
We meet most months on the third Saturday of the month. We meet in person at Bangkok Gardens, 417 W. 21st St., Norfolk, VA 23517. We meet for lunch at 1 PM, with the meeting running from 2 to 3:30 PM. The meeting is also available via zoom. For details on the zoom link, please contact chapter president directly.
Winchester Chapter
James Shobert, President
Phone: 989-992-7932
Email: jsober@gmail.com
The chapter meets every third Saturday of each month at Sollenberger true value hardware located at 832 Berryville Ave., Winchester, VA 22601. The meeting time is from 10 AM to 11:30 AM.
At-Large Chapter
Patrick Johnson, , President
Phone: 540-230-4287
Email: patrickjohnson1015@gmail.com
Designed to meet the needs of Virginians who do not live near a local chapter, we meet virtually. Meetings are the third Tuesday at 8pm August - May with a face to face reception held during state convention.
For the Zoom login details, please contact the chapter president.