The Vigilant Blog

How often have you had a question you felt too shy to ask? Sometimes you work up the courage and just ask. At other times, it’s better to read about someone else’s experience at your own speed and in the privacy of your own space.

Our blog is a collection of posts aimed at stimulating discussion about assistive technology, independent living, and blindness philosophy. Please comment freely to keep the discussion moving, and please share content you find thought-provoking with your social networks to help spread the discussion to people we might otherwise not reach.

And, please don’t forget to check out the publications from our parent organization. The Braille Monitor, our general magazine, and Future Reflections, our publication for parents, are just two examples of the excellent resources you’ll find in our NFB library.

Do you want to write a guest post? Send us a note, and tell us about your idea!

To Cane, or Not to Cane...

By Renee Valdez

I Said Hello to a Tree!

By Renee F. Valdez

It’s true! I did say “hello” to a tree! I have actually done this more than once! And I have said “good morning” to a telephone pole, and “how you doing” to a light post! REALLY!

2021 Resolutions

Resolution 2021-1

Accessible Education Materials

WHEREAS, access to the full curriculum is vital for participation in in-person and virtual education settings for all students; and

WHEREAS, Accessibility barriers impede full access to the educational environment for blind and low vision students and for others with print disabilities; and

The Universal Warped Sense of Humor that Broke Me Down and Built Me Up Again

By Renee Valdez

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” - Helen Keller

Spring 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2021

The minutes from the January 16 board meeting were read by Mausam Mehta.

The minutes were approved.

Mark Roane delivered the treasurer’s report, stating the affiliate’s general checking account balance as $86696.65

Louise Walch delivered the BELL program report, in which she announced the dates of the 3 upcoming sessions, and reminded us to spread the word to families of blind children.

Renee Valdez provided some details on the supplemental BELL program, which will be divided into 2 1-week sessions, with project RISE students as mentors.

Mentor Solicitation

As our upcoming year of RISE is knee-deep in preparation, we are seeking ambitious, independent, confident, and experienced mentors who possess positive blindness philosophy to serve as core mentors for the 2021-22 academic year! Below, you will find a program description, as well as expectations and responsibilities.

Employment Opportunity

Program Description

what does the nfb do for me

by Dianna Oliveira

Fall 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

State Board Meeting Minutes - November 1, 2020

After the Nominating Committee report was delivered by Fred Schroeder, the following individuals were elected to office:

Tracy Soforenko: President

Sandy Halverson: 1st Vice President

Uricka Harrison: 2nd Vice President

Mark Roane: Treasurer

Jacki Bruce: Corresponding Secretary

Mausam Mehta: Recording Secretary

Washington Seminar 2021

Hello everyone, I wanted to provide some important information for the 2021 Washington Seminar. This upcoming Washington Seminar will be a bit different from years past. It will be completely virtual, which has its pros. You won’t need to travel to DC, and you won’t need to worry about frantically making it from one end of the House buildings to the other between appointments. Of course, we will miss seeing our friends and socializing in person. But we hope many more of you will be able to attend this year since you can participate from home. Washington Seminar will be held February 8-11.
