The Vigilant Blog

How often have you had a question you felt too shy to ask? Sometimes you work up the courage and just ask. At other times, it’s better to read about someone else’s experience at your own speed and in the privacy of your own space.

Our blog is a collection of posts aimed at stimulating discussion about assistive technology, independent living, and blindness philosophy. Please comment freely to keep the discussion moving, and please share content you find thought-provoking with your social networks to help spread the discussion to people we might otherwise not reach.

And, please don’t forget to check out the publications from our parent organization. The Braille Monitor, our general magazine, and Future Reflections, our publication for parents, are just two examples of the excellent resources you’ll find in our NFB library.

Do you want to write a guest post? Send us a note, and tell us about your idea!

Richmond and Washington seminar

Hello Virginia Federationists,
I hope you all had a wonderful 2022 NFB of Virginia Convention. Although it may seem like it’s still three months away, Washington Seminar is fast approaching, in person from Monday, January 30 through Thursday, February 2, 2023. I wanted to send out some info to help you begin thinking about reserving your room and making arrangements in your schedule to attend.

Proposed 2022 State Convention Principles of Engagement

Nothing in these rules of engagement is intended to change Article IV, Section 2 of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia’s (NFBV) constitution. The Convention remains “the supreme authority of the NFBV. It is the legislature of the NFBV . As such, it has final authority with respect to all issues of policy. Chapter board delegates and members in attendance may participate in all convention discussions as a matter of right.

How Silver BELLS Led Me From Fear To Freedom

By Debra Hill

I lost my sight completely over seven years ago due to complications from diabetes type 2. I have had many years, therefore, to adjust to the tremendous changes blindness has brought to my life. With the daily support of my husband and the helpful interventions of my family and friends, I thought I had settled into a safe, well-organized and secure life.


Chapter Chatter Part 2: Intention, Prevention, and Intervention

Chapter Chatter Part 2: Intention, Prevention, and Intervention

Christine Faltz Grassman,

President, Potomac Chapter
10% of conflicts is due to difference in opinion and 90% is due to wrong tone of voice.
— Susan Wiertzema


NFBV Blog Submission
April 28, 2022
By Renée Valdez


Dan Parker, a Blind Man, Breaks Driving Speed Record

Dan Parker, a Blind Man, Breaks Driving Speed Record Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (April 5, 2022):

Chapter Chatter: Listen, Speak, Repeat Christine Faltz Grassman, Esq.

One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."
—James Earl Jones


Chapter meetings spotlight information

Please check out our Spotlight On section this week. Enjoy your week.

Kudos Corner…

Job Announcement! Seeking Project RISE Employment Coordinator

The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia is seeking an Employment Coordinator for its pre-employment transition Service, Project RISE.

Minutes from the October 31, 2022 NFBV Business Meeting

From Mausam Mehta, Recording Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia (NFBV) Business Meeting Minutes

Oct 31, 2021

Sandy Halverson read resolution 2021.1, regarding accessible educational technology. While votes were tallied, the meeting minutes from the August 7, 2021,
board meeting were read by Jacob Ham and approved. Resolution 2021.1 was approved by the convention.
