Richmond Seminar

How the Blind Advocate for Ourselves in Richmond

By John Bailey

Some of us were nervous. Several had canceled at the last minute because of safety concerns. In any case, we were here in Richmond, Virginia to do a very important job for the blind of Virginia and we were not going to be deterred.

Annually, the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia hosts an event called the ‘Richmond Seminar’. For this two-day event, the vision-impaired and their friends gather in the city of Richmond to advocate for the blind by scheduling meetings with our elected officials.


Join Us for a Virtual Richmond Seminar

The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia is a powerful force advocating for blind Virginians. For 2021, we will be conducting our legislative advocacy over the Zoom platform and we will need you to commit to attending a few brief Zoom meetings with your legislators. Interestingly, virtual appointments mean you are not required to make as large of a time commitment to participate. However, it also means we need to tell legislators that we have a constituent attending or they won’t meet with us.
Here is the 3 step process:


NFB of Virginia Legislative Director for Washington Seminar

From Deepa Goraya

Hello Virginia Federationists,

I hope you all had a wonderful 2023 NFB of Virginia Convention and Thanksgiving holiday. Washington Seminar is fast approaching in less than 2 months, in person from Monday, January 29 through Thursday, February 1, 2024. Please note, we strive to make all appointments to be completed by late afternoon on January 31.

I wanted to send out some info to help you begin thinking about reserving your room and making arrangements in your schedule to attend.


2025 Richmond Seminar

Please join us for our Richmond Seminar to ensure our voice is heard in the Virginia General Assembly.


Whether you have attended many Richmond Seminars, or this will be your first one, we strongly encourage you to attend and participate in representative democracy in action. We are planning for an exclusively in-person Richmond Seminar.

Monday, January 20, Martin Luther King Day. We will hold an important NFBV Board Meeting to discuss legislative issues and get organized. On Tuesday, January 21, we will meet with our Senators and Delegates.


Richmond and Washington seminar

Hello Virginia Federationists,
I hope you all had a wonderful 2022 NFB of Virginia Convention. Although it may seem like it’s still three months away, Washington Seminar is fast approaching, in person from Monday, January 30 through Thursday, February 2, 2023. I wanted to send out some info to help you begin thinking about reserving your room and making arrangements in your schedule to attend.
