How often have you had a question you felt too shy to ask? Sometimes you work up the courage and just ask. At other times, it’s better to read about someone else’s experience at your own speed and in the privacy of your own space.
Our blog is a collection of posts aimed at stimulating discussion about assistive technology, independent living, and blindness philosophy. Please comment freely to keep the discussion moving, and please share content you find thought-provoking with your social networks to help spread the discussion to people we might otherwise not reach.
And, please don’t forget to check out the publications from our parent organization. The Braille Monitor, our general magazine, and Future Reflections, our publication for parents, are just two examples of the excellent resources you’ll find in our NFB library.
Do you want to write a guest post? Send us a note, and tell us about your idea!
Do You Want to be Your Own Boss?
I've heard blind people give advice that in today's job market, starting your own business is a viable option. And, it is, but most people fail to see the reality of going at it alone. I run a freelance copywriting business outside of my day job. It keeps me afloat when our federal government shuts down, and I have to go to work without getting paid.
Dan Parker, a Blind Man, Breaks Driving Speed Record
Dan Parker, a Blind Man, Breaks Driving Speed Record Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (April 5, 2022):
Coalition of Disability Groups Demand Access to Virginia’s Inaccessible Absentee Voting
For Immediate Release
Media Contacts
American Council of the Blind: Clark Rachfal, <>, 202-467-5081
disAbility Law Center of Virginia: Colleen Miller, <>, (804) 225-2042
National Federation of the Blind: Chris Danielsen, <>, 410-262-1281
Chapter meetings spotlight information
Please check out our Spotlight On section this week. Enjoy your week.
Kudos Corner…
Chapter Chatter: Listen, Speak, Repeat Christine Faltz Grassman, Esq.
One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."
—James Earl Jones
Employment Opportunity
Program Description
Project RISE (Resilience, Independence, Self-Advocacy, Employment) is a pre-employment transition program within the state of Virginia and part of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia, focusing on providing blind and low vision students with the skills necessary to become competitively employed.
Facts about Blindness... According to Me
Editor's Note: The following first appeared on my personal blog at, currently under reconstruction. Please get in touch with your own questions and answers, and who knows, maybe we could create some sort of resource playfully answering some of the more popular curiosities.
Fall 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
State Board Meeting Minutes - November 1, 2020
After the Nominating Committee report was delivered by Fred Schroeder, the following individuals were elected to office:
Tracy Soforenko: President
Sandy Halverson: 1st Vice President
Uricka Harrison: 2nd Vice President
Mark Roane: Treasurer
Jacki Bruce: Corresponding Secretary
Mausam Mehta: Recording Secretary