I Am A:
Divisions and Groups
In addition to chapters, the work of the Federation is carried out via special interest groups and divisions.
Blind Parents Group
Jessica Reed, Coordinator
Phone: (540) 661-8876
E-mail: jessicac.kostiw@gmail.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/741877699513886/?ref=share
Seniors Division
Patty Droppers, President
Phone: 571-527-0707
E-mail: NFBVseniors@gmail.com
Virginia Association of Blind Merchants
Yasiah Hurtado, President
Phone: 804-244-0384
Email: yhurtado1976@outlook.com
Virginia Association of Blind Students
Noah White, President
Phone: 410 402-3558
Email: noahwhite1203@gmail.com
Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children
The Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children can best be reached by emailing the board at: